Over 40 Years of Comfortable, Affordable, Quality Dentistry in Detroit, MI

Dentists With A Heart

Over 40 Years of Comfortable, Affordable, Quality Dentistry in Detroit, MI

You Won’t Find Lower Prices Anywhere!

Personalized care that you can depend on

Who We Are?

Dr. Stephen J. Krawiec, DDS, PC

The Detroit Dentists With A Heart

Dr. Krawiec and his team are the dentists with a heart, specializing in family & cosmetic dentistry in Detroit, MI. If you have a toothache, don’t just reach for the aspirin—reach for the phone and call Dr. Krawiec. You may think it’s all right to ignore a tiny cavity, but it’s better to get a small filling than to end up needing a root canal. Established in 1973, we offer comfortable, affordable, quality dentistry in our welcoming office. We’re proud to be in Detroit and hope to serve the community for years to come.

Your Safety & Comfort Is Our No. 1 Concern!

We want your Detroit dentist experience to be as stress-free and pain-free as possible. That is why we get to know each patient individually to tailor our service to your needs! Every person is different, so every treatment should be as well. Our Detroit office maintains the highest hygienic standards–all equipment is cleaned and sterilized with the latest state-of-the-art techniques. Emergencies are seen immediately, and we offer Saturday hours to accommodate your schedule.

Referral Coupon

Take advantage of this exclusive offer!

The highest compliment our patients can give us is the referral of their friends, family and associates. For your thoughtfulness, please present this coupon for $20 after your referral of a new patient who has an exam, x-rays and recommended cleaning performed. Recommend two friends, receive $50. Recommend three friends, receive $100.

a happy smiling family

Request An Appointment

Our office is located in a safe, secure, and well-lit area, offering truly unbeatable pricing. To schedule an appointment, simply fill out the form or give us a call at  (313) 836-1111